• Provides ground fault detection and interruption at the mains entrance of an electrical system
  • Service entrance protection per NEC article 230.95 and CSA C22.1 Section 14-102
  • Supports a pickup range of up to 1200 A
  • To be combined with an N/O shunt trip breaker
  • To be combined with current transformers with a 600:1 or 1000:1 ratio

Digital service entrance ground-fault relay

The CMGF420 is a control-powered, UL 1053 listed service entrance relay for use in grounded systems. When combined with an N/O shunt trip breaker, it provides ground fault detection and interruption at the mains entrance of an electrical system. When a fault is detected, the output contacts will cause the connected shunt trip breaker to trip and interrupt power to the system.

The relay supports a pickup range of up to 1200 A when using a compatible current transformer. The CMGF420 supports current transformers with a 600:1 (60…1200 A trip range) or 1000:1 ratio (100…1200 A trip range).

After entering the proper current transformer ratio into the settings of the device, the value shown on the LCD screen will be the value read on the primary side of the current transformer.

Questions? Contact us!

  • Provides ground fault detection and interruption at the mains entrance of an electrical system
  • Service entrance protection per NEC article 230.95 and CSA C22.1 Section 14-102
  • Supports a pickup range of up to 1200 A
  • To be combined with an N/O shunt trip breaker
  • To be combined with current transformers with a 600:1 or 1000:1 ratio

Digital service entrance ground-fault relay

The CMGF420 is a control-powered, UL 1053 listed service entrance relay for use in grounded systems. When combined with an N/O shunt trip breaker, it provides ground fault detection and interruption at the mains entrance of an electrical system. When a fault is detected, the output contacts will cause the connected shunt trip breaker to trip and interrupt power to the system.

The relay supports a pickup range of up to 1200 A when using a compatible current transformer. The CMGF420 supports current transformers with a 600:1 (60…1200 A trip range) or 1000:1 ratio (100…1200 A trip range).

After entering the proper current transformer ratio into the settings of the device, the value shown on the LCD screen will be the value read on the primary side of the current transformer.

Questions? Contact us!


  • UL 1053 listed service entrance relay
  • Satisifies requirements of NEC Article 230.95 and CSA C22.1 Section 14-102 when paired with appropriate equipment
  • Small form factor, easily integratable into switchgear
  • 60…1200 A adjustable trip level range
  • Supports 600:1 or 1000:1 current transformers
  • Digital display with real-time readout
  • Real-time readout displays measured current on primary side of current transformer
  • Simple connection to N/O shunt trip breaker
  • Supports DIN rail mounting, screw mounting, or front panel mounting with optional mounting kit
  • Password protection
  • RoHS compliance


  • Service entrance ground fault protection
  • General industrial use

CMGF420 Variant(s)

NameResponse ValueSupply VoltageArt. No.
CMGF420-D-260…1200 AAC 100…240 V (42…460 Hz) DC 100…240 VB93060015

Optional Accessories for CMGF420

TypeArt. No.
Mounting clip for screw mounting (one piece per device)B98060008
Mounting frame XM420B990994 

Downloads for CMGF420

CMGF420 Datasheets 1.6 MB EN2022/01/0505.01.2022
CMGF420 Manuals 4.4 MB EN2022/01/0505.01.2022
Changed variants of relays from goldplated to silver-plated contacts Technical Information 166.3 KB EN2022/06/2727.06.2022

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