for commercial transactions between businesses
recommended by ZVEI - Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e. V. – as of June 2011 –
such times shall be extended accordingly.
Unless otherwise agreed in written form, assembly and erection shall be subject to the following provisions:
The Purchaser shall not refuse to receive Supplies due to minor defects.
The Supplier shall be liable for defects as to quality (“Sachmängel”, hereinafter referred to as “Defects”,) as follows:
However, claims for damages arising from a breach of a fundamental condition of contract shall be limited to the foreseeable damage which is intrinsic to the contract, provided that no other of the above case applies.
The legal invalidity of one or more provisions of this Agreement in no way affects the validity of the remaining provisions. This shall not apply if it would be unreasonable for one of the parties to be obligated to continue the contract.